Kayaking Upper Kananaskis
This was likely the last outing for the floaty boats this year. They have been on 9 voyages since we got them in April, it has been a treat. I love being out on open water, usually with very few people around. That's a nice change from the hiking trails in this area which have become very overcrowded.
Upper Kananaskis Lake has been on the list all year, we drove in over Highwood Pass and immediately became horrified at the parking up there. In fact we began to doubt we'd get parked at the lake.
We decided to try parking at Interlakes instead of the main Upper K lot and that turned out to be a great decision. Our boats are easily wrangled down to the shore.
Shortly after heading out the lake became very still, it was magical.
I wasn't expecting all this beauty. It could have been summer. Sunblock was required but happily not bug spray.
We had lovely fall colours, I've always wanted to explore this little island. Such adventure!
Since it had all been so perfect, mother nature decided to whip up the wind very suddenly and blow us across the lake. We went from still water to whitecaps, it was actually quite cool to watch. We managed to land on a last little island before heading to the shore. For once we were getting blown in pretty much the right direction.

These things are amazing! Well, until you get lake water in them. Then not so much.
If you are kayaking I recommend getting the Windy app so you can have an idea of what you're dealing with. Always check the entire period you are likely to be out, I didn't look past noon hence the surprise gale.
Our little boats! Looking forward to more adventures next year.
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