Ultimate Coffee Date - May 2018

Hello!  I am joining Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Coco at Running With Perseverance for their monthly Ultimate Coffee Date linkup.  I like big beverages and I cannot lie.

If we were having tea today

I would be wishing I was in Pittsburgh watching hockey and running all the races.  I would love to feel trained and fit instead of...this *random gesture in direction of body.  I love the city, the race, the food, the people, my hockey team, my friends and missing it is tough.

If we were having tea today

I'd show you this flower photo from the ridge outside my house. Spring is actually here.  It's the best part of the year because summer is right there waiting to happen and the possibilities are endless.

Carthew-Alderson trail
If we were having tea today

We could talk about how last year's wildfire in Waterton Lakes Park has basically closed all the trails and how sad that is.  It's a fantastic and beautiful park, one of my favourites. The Akamina road was just reconstructed after the flood as well.  It's like armageddon. The town escaped damage for the most part but the landscape is going to be very different.

If we were having tea today

I'd ask all about your upcoming races because I don't want to run any!  I'm happy to live through the achievements of others for a while.  Go you!

Also this, I want to to do this.


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